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Hot Mango

Mango šŸ„­ mangošŸ„­and more šŸ„­

Here is what I need and I am sure you are going to love it:

1/2 #mango

Juice of half #lime

1 tsp sugar

2 slices of green hot #jalapeƱo

Into a glass and smash šŸ’„

Add 3 ice cubes and stir keep stirring.

In a shaker :

1-2 oz #vodka (rum is also good)

Juice of couple of slices of #ginger (use garlic press to juice ginger)

Couple of ice cubes

Shake it well.

Pour the smashed mango into a serving glass, add vodka mix, add some crushed ice and top it with soda water.

For the rim: use zest of the lime and paprika or cayenne pepper šŸŒ¶ if you are a fan of spicy drink šŸ¹. (Some sugar can be added to the rim mix too)

Sit back and enjoy.

Oh make one with the other half of mango and lime for your Friday companion too! šŸ˜œ

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